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Leadership Team

Eng. Ssonko J. Jackson


Our ‘competency’ based curriculum combines core academic subjects with the opportunity to gain practical skills in Graphics and other technical areas – skills employers desperately need. We offer a personalised pathway for each student so they can develop their talents. Combined with our enrichment programme this means students also build their abilities in critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, leadership and personal development, creativity and innovation – all essential for the workplace.

Dr. Nandala Mike

Deputy Principal

Our aim at UIGT is to provide our students with the skills, experience and qualifications to prepare them for a technical apprenticeship, skilled employment. We offer an education that combines rigorous academic study, practical hands-on learning and experience of work for anyone aged 14 years and above. We provide a sound education foundation for young people interested in developing a career in Infomation technology, Graphics and Vocational Studies.

Ms. Kansiime Judith

Academic Registrar

There is nothing so precious than to have your own economic, social and psychological suistanable stability other than hands on skills knowledge trained from many but most skillfull at Universal Institute of Graphics and Technology, by skilled tutors and reliable resourses.

Mrs.Kasirye Patricia

Quality Assurance Director

As the quality Assurance Director of UIGT, i would like to take this opportunity to thank God for all the millestones reached and we hope to achieve more as we continue to emphasize quality in all our operations. The Journey is not an easy one but we hope to get there one day. Our Mission Vision and objectives will surely guide us to the required destination as we continue to emphasise skills empowerment through IT, Graphics and Vocational studies.